Monday, July 28, 2008

Giant Question

When is getting an autograph worth injuring yourself or someone else? And why would a professional football player ignore his adoring fans, even as they risk bodily injury for just his autograph and a smile? Today I witnessed fans eager for an autograph from New York Giants Quarterback Eli Manning pack so tightly against a fence separating them from the team that the fence gave way, knocking several fans to the ground. Fortunately, no one was injured - just frightened. Still I found it upsetting that Manning didn't stop to help anyone up or at least stop to check if anyone was hurt. Instead, he walked away to another group of overexcited fans and proceeded to sign more autographs. It reminded me of an experience I had as a boy, when no team, in my mind, could compete with the Pittsburgh Steelers. During a chance encounter with Terry Bradshaw, I asked him to pose for a picture with me. He responded: "No, I don't have time for this." A commentator with him insisted he stop for a photo, and I have it still. But when I look at it, I remember only Bradshaw's surly first response and his eventual, cranky cooperation. He'd been someone I 'd admired for years, and yet my 5-minute encounter with him suggested he didn't care a whit about his fans. 

Fans give so much to meet their football heroes. But a real hero would have stopped and helped out the people whose ardor toppled the fence and imperiled their well-being, instead of walking away like nothing happened. 

To see video of the accident, check out autograph session.

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