Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Green in Governor Byrne

The latest issue of Inside Jersey, The Star-Ledger's monthly magazine, came out yesterday. I had the pleasure of photographing former New Jersey Governor Brendan Byrne for our March cover. We also used a photo of him on the contents page.

For the shoot, we wanted to utilize a chair as a prop. Something that had character. So I asked my father to borrow a chair that belonged to my mother's side of the family. It is very old and has the coolest lions heads on it. The photo shoot took about an hour, rendering some very nice portraits. 


Tim Larsen Photography said...

I love that guy - where did you shoot him?

Saed Hindash said...

Tim - He was a lot of fun to photograph. I shot him in The Star-Ledger's studio in Newark.

Tim Larsen Photography said...

Really? Where did the hardwood floor come from?

Saed Hindash said...

I bought it and built it for the shoot. It was something I've wanted to have in the studio for a while. I finally got one.