Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Matter of Perspective

When you think of General Motors, what comes to mind? Cars and trucks, of course. But now when you think of GM, you can think of me! General Motors purchased one of my photographs (shown above) for their online go-green campaign (promoting alternative fuels and hybrids). I shot this photograph for the 'Muse of New Jersey,' a project I did a few years ago featuring local authors writing about life-shaping memories. This picture accompanied an essay author Martha McPhee wrote about crossing the Sourlands in New Jersey. 

It's a bit weird to see a photograph you've taken for one purpose later used for a totally different one. But it's also interesting to see how perspective and context can change how a person interprets an image.

To see the advertisement, check out 'Experience GM.' Let the slideshow play. My image is the last one displayed. 
To see the Ledger's 'Muse of New Jersey' project, check out Muse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats. They flipped the image though.
I think I saw this spot on tv and felt thought that picture looked familiar to me but I couldn't place it.