Monday, January 12, 2009

A tribute

The newspaper industry has been bleeding for years, the victim of high newsprint costs, dwindling circulation, a demand for higher profits, you name it.  This year has been especially tough because of the sour economy, with countless journalists losing their jobs to layoffs, buyouts and folded newspapers.  

Although many at The Star-Ledger felt insulated, they got a rude awakening last summer when the publisher threatened to sell or even close the newspaper if at least a quarter of the staff didn't volunteer for buyouts. He set a deadline of October, giving staffers plenty of time to prepare for a future of more frugal journalism - or imagine a new future altogether.  After plenty of soul-searching, I chose to stick it out, both in newspapers and at The Star-Ledger. In the end, more than 230 staffers took the buyout company-wide, including nearly half of the photo department. 
The Star-Ledger historically has had an unusual photo set-up, getting its photos from an independent agency called News Photos. In 2000, newspaper managers decided to form their own in-house photo department; with strong leadership and an immensely talented pool of photographers, the new department won innumerable local, national and international awards, including a Pulitzer Prize. I am proud to say I was part of that inaugural staff.  Now, with so many leaving, I feel like we not only are losing many incredibly skilled people, but also close friends. From more than 50 photo staffers, we are now down to 27.
As a tribute, I decided to collect head shots of the few who had already left and photograph staffers still around. I compiled them into a photo collage to hang in the department. Those pictured represent our history and our future. Good luck to those who have moved on to new adventures. You will not be forgotten.

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