Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fall Fashion

My fall fashion shoot for Inside Jersey, The Star-Ledger's magazine, appeared in the latest issue. Fashion shoots can get quite expensive, between hiring models, renting vehicles for transportation, buying props and paying various location costs. So my main charge was this: Keep the costs down. I figured, what better way to save cents than to shoot in the Ledger's studio? But rather than a boring backdrop, I imagined real models in an imaginary world. The backdrops would be cartoonish and black-and-white, so that the model would really pop off the page. So I approached Ledger artist Andre Malok, whose work I admire a lot.

It was an unusual concept, so there was a bit more naysaying politics than usual due to the skepticism of others involved with the magazine. But with Andre's talent, it was a big success - so much so that I've asked Andre to work with me again on a photo illustration for an upcoming magazine story on New Jersey's corrupt politicians. Andre is extremely talented and fun to work with; he brings life to my visions. Once our collaboration on this next project is complete, I'll share it with you.

Check out Andre's work on his Web site:

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